Thai culture

Water, Celebration, Campaign Updates, Galen Garwood


WATER and CELEBRATION   Sleeping Stone, Breathing Star 2  Sleeping Stone, Breathing Star 2 has been added to the Sell the Monkey Campaign Appreciation Rewards. Next month, here in Thailand, during [...]

Water, Celebration, Campaign Updates, Galen Garwood2018-03-20T03:54:10+00:00

Roti and Ricefields


Greetings from Galen ANNOUNCEMENTS For those who might be looking for an interesting and educational Christmas gift for children (or adults) The Panom book is available and right now is a perfect time to order:Panom and [...]

Roti and Ricefields2017-07-29T06:09:40+00:00



View of the Mae Rim river during a more gentle month of weather Many of my friends look at me with cocked eyes—that ‘Is he out of his mind?’ look—when I tell them I’m [...]

PROJECT PANOMLAND2017-05-02T16:00:26+00:00

A Memorial


Sangsak was Chang Lek’s sixteen year old nephew; Chang Lek , his wife Paan and his young daughter, Gam, are part of my family, my Akha family. Sangsak was killed while driving his motorbike in Chiangmai. [...]

A Memorial2018-01-06T21:12:00+00:00

The Northland


After a terribly long, hot spell with a thick wedge of social strife that kept parts of Bangkok on edge and the media churning, I’m happy to be submitting a new blog entry. For all those [...]

The Northland2018-01-06T20:48:04+00:00



Late last year I ghost wrote several children’s stories, one of which was about an elephant. At one point in the story I had suggested that perhaps the elephant was pretending about its feelings. The story [...]

WHEN ELEPHANTS PRETEND2017-07-29T06:19:11+00:00
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