
Wind at the Edge of the Heart


During the spring of 1967, on my way to lunch in the Student Union Building at University of Alaska in Fairbanks, I happened upon a recently published Popular Science magazine that featured a story about a [...]

Wind at the Edge of the Heart2018-01-06T21:10:37+00:00

Everything is going beautifully nowhere.


Everything is going beautifully nowhere. James Broughton,Greetings Everyone,It’s been a good long while since I’ve made an entry into my blog site. In fact it was June 8th, after the ending of the political crisis here in Thailand. It’s time.In [...]

Everything is going beautifully nowhere.2018-01-06T20:51:52+00:00

The Northland


After a terribly long, hot spell with a thick wedge of social strife that kept parts of Bangkok on edge and the media churning, I’m happy to be submitting a new blog entry. For all those [...]

The Northland2018-01-06T20:48:04+00:00
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