
“The immutableness of art is like a message placed in a bottle and tossed into the sea. It finds its way into vast oceans, something of and to the world, floating across underwater universes, over iridescent reefs. I dream of it being visited by passing inhabitants who come and rest on the bottle’s neck; curious fish and animals and floating crustaceans are enraptured by their own curved, spinning images reflected back into the sky.

     The bottle becomes etched by relentless winds and particles of sands from deserts and mountains—the Great Steppes of Mongolia, the Serengeti, the Gobi, and  even the bright island sand of my youth—offered to the sculpting eddies of oceans…”

By ordering a copy of The Dream Sea Photographs art catalog directly from Galen and Marrowstone Press , you’ll not only receive a discount, but you’ll also be supporting the work of the artist.

The Dream Sea Photographs is a catalog of  twenty remarkable photographs with an introduction by the artist.

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